All At Sea?
Do you feel all at sea, as if you are battling through a storm of demands and pressures?
Sometimes we get buried under a heap of responsibilities, habits and duties. We feel stressed, overwhelmed, tired and irritable.
Do you find yourself saying “I’m too busy to meet up with friends, to do exercise, to cook healthy food, to play with my children…” Working on autopilot, trying to survive another day.
At times like this the pressure narrows our vision into an intensely focussed view. We are in the midst of chaos trying to steer our ship through a storm. But, we can step off shore onto an island of calm.
Drop anchor, stop chasing the wind and be still
At such times taking yourself away from your usual environment and talking to someone you trust about all your responsibilities and worries is essential. Similar to releasing the steam from a pressure vessel. It allows you to discharge the tension and negative energy. Finding the right listener is essential be it a life coach, a counsellor, a good friend: someone who will hold the space for you to express all that tension without judgement or criticism.
The sense of relief is tangible. Many of my clients arrive to coaching in a heightened emotional state, either exhausted or hyperactive, rushing around and speaking ten to the dozen. After one session and a few carefully structured tasks their relief and sense of clarity is wonderful.
Gaining an overview from a different perspective is so helpful in clarifying the way forward. Maybe increasing or decreasing activities. Structuring tasks a different way. Giving responsibility to others, creating boundaries, managing time more effectively. All of these play their part in unpicking the chaos into a manageable and enjoyable life of balance. Many treasures may be hidden in your past: lost skills, strengths or interests and past drives that can be rekindled to inspire you.
Exciting plans for creating self-nurturance, exploration and essentially calm and tranquillity are discovered. All these aid to calm the storm, diffuse the chaos and get you back at the helm of a re-furbished and seaworthy vessel!
Seeking and finding time for you is the essential first step in finding the way forward.
Ready to start your new voyage!